Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Stumble Find

So this morning I stumbled upon a beautiful blog and I just have to share. It is called Just a Family. Be sure to check it out and be sure to read this post. It mirrors my heart. I love what she (I'm not sure what the author's name is, but I think it is Robin) says here...

Everyday being his wife and being their mommy is work but I signed up for it and I plan on finishing well.
Its not how you start that's so important it's how you finish that counts. I'm not working myself out of a job. I plan on working until I die. My hands being useful. My hands always eager to help others.
Being useful to those who need me. Complacency kills the creativity that God intended for us to have. When I'm busy it keeps me out of trouble.:)
One of the most said comments to me when I'm out is, "you have your hands full". yes, I do and
unfortunately women have decided that having your hands full is a bad thing.

Everyone is working towards an easier life and that easy life draws you away from the very heart of God. The service of loving and being dependable. Caring for others and doing for others is being lost in our world for that easier life.  -from Just A Family (bolding mine) you can read the entire post here.

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