Monday, December 20, 2010

A Prayer for Focus - Christ

Jesus, Focus me on You.
As I read and study Your Word - focus me on You.
As I prepare for the day - focus me on You.
As I interact with the people in my life - focus me on You.
As I clean, shop, feed the hungry (in my household), clothe the naked (in my household), kiss ouches, wipe tears, potty train, fold clothes and do the sixth load of laundry and fold it too, clean toilets and the missed aim of a two year old, laugh, play, work, rest, worry, hug, disciple, love, pray - focus me on You.
Throughout this day - whatever it holds and whatever my hands find to do - focus me on YOU.
Not on me.



Only Christ matters.

Sometimes, when things are going well, we might too easily forget that we have only one sure, immovable, dependable strength-Jesus, who was a baby once and is always and forever God.  That is what holds us and keeps us whether or not we can carry out our traditions.  May our decorations, gifts, festivities-or lack of them-never block our view of Him but always point toward Him.

Only Christ matters.     -Noel Piper

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