Thursday, June 11, 2009

Marie-Madeline Studios

Finally some beautiful, modest, distinctly feminine attire for girls!

I haven’t ordered from them yet, but I plan to. Their skirts are so pretty. You can read a review here.

Young girls look so pretty in feminine clothing. Don’t cheat your girls by always dressing them in jeans or shorts. Let them be pretty.

And mom, if you want your daughter to wear dresses and skirts, you must wear them as well. If you want your daughter to look pretty, it will help a great deal if you look pretty yourself. If you wear sweat pants or jeans every day, that is what your daughter will wear as well.

Provide girly play clothes. Don’t keep the skirts and dresses locked away until Sunday or a special day. Go to the local secondhand store and buy a few $5 dresses or skirts that you don’t care if they mess up and then let them play – just be sure to buy some little shorts to put underneath (those little pajama shorts work well and they come in pinks and purples which coordinate easily).

Since I’m standing on my soapbox, let me just say, modesty is important. Little girls with their underclothes showing, well let’s just say, it should not be. Teach you daughters how to sit when they are wearing a dress or a skirt. Even tiny girls can learn this.

Because I have provided skirts for everyday wear (play clothes), Bethany dresses herself in one almost every day and thinks nothing of it. And mom, hear this, I’ve never pushed the issue of her wearing skirts. Bethany (eight; nine July 3rd) wears them because she likes to look pretty. The thought that they are impractical never even crosses her mind. Often she will be out climbing the fence, or up on the jungle gym, or running through the yard, or even getting soaked in the sprinkler - all in a skirt.

Side note: It has been on my heart for a long time to learn to sew and to teach my daughters to do so. My mother (an excellent seamstress - I actually come from a long line of excellent seamstresses) tried to teach me to do so, but unfortunately when she sought to teach me to sew I was more interested in climbing trees and reading books and the most I can do now is stitch a very poor seam and mend a button. I regret not learning to sew a great deal and plan to remedy this in the very near future.

One further thought: Start early. The earlier you start dressing your daughter in this manner, the more joyfully she will embrace it.

Check out the pictures on their blog. This is truly Beautiful Girlhood. Love the skirts. So pretty.

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