Monday, June 28, 2010

Walk with the King

Courtney from Women Living Well is so cute and her words are so wise. I hope you enjoy the following video blogs by her. The first one made me smile and of course I agree with her 100%. In the video she shares how she tells her children to build their block houses with a “firm foundation” and that when their houses fall down it is because the “houses” have not been built with a firm foundation (Proverbs 18:10). I smiled because I can’t count the number of times I’ve had this same or similar conversations with my own children. We talk about God as our “foundation” often. Remember to scroll down and turn off the music.

And here is Courtney sharing how to fold a fitted sheet. I have some sort of inability to fold fitted sheets (called impatience and lack of training) so I loved this idea and put it to use. Now my linen closet looks nice and neat. Great idea!

And here is Courtney and her husband on Rachel Ray (if you have little ones in the room, you might want to wait until later to watch this one). I don’t watch Rachel Ray (or any other daytime TV) but this is a neat piece and honestly it is me too - not exactly, but very similar. I confess that I am a 50’s wife.(Although I prefer thinking of myself as a pioneer wife - as in wagon trains, Oregon Trail, and dust - willing to follow my husband into the great unknown if asked to do so - being like a wife on Mad Men. Not! They have lovely clothes, but there is not much else I would want to copy.) And I love it! No, it isn’t always easy and it is often tiring, but it is a good tired. I am happy and it is a blessing but I would be discontented with anything I tried to do if I didn’t have a firm foundation and (try to) daily “walk with the King” of Kings. Amen!

The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I have a beautiful inheritance. -Psalm 15:5-6

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