Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Slice of Life

I can’t believe that it is already November. Where did August, September, and October go? How can it be that Christmas is right around the corner? I lost time somewhere.


4:00 a.m. – Ben wakes. He is squealing, babbling, and staring at me through the mesh on the side of his play-yard. I smile at his silliness despite being half asleep and nurse him. While I am feeding him Bess rushes into our room and promptly climbs into bed with us. Mark sleeps through the whole thing. We (Bess, Ben and I) go back to sleep. As I drift off I wonder if I should just stay awake. I decide not to.

6:30 a.m. – Ben wakes up again. I look at the clock and climb wearily out of bed. (My quiet time is going to be short because I have overslept…I just can’t seem to get up early/5:00 a.m. – when Ben wakes at 4:00 a.m..)

I leave Ben to talk to himself for a few minutes while I go to the bathroom. When I come back he is quiet and seems to be trying to go back to sleep so I steal out of the room, start the coffeepot, toss a few pillows on the couch, pick up a blanket that is lying on the floor, toss a few toys into the toy basket, open the blinds, grab my bible and the other books that I use during my quiet time and proceed to continue reading where I left off in the gospel of Mark.

7:00 a.m. - Bess rushes into the dining room (where I’m trying to read my Bible and have a few minutes to myself) and flings herself into my arms. Morning has started. Soon all the children are awake and Mark is feverishly trying to get some work done (before he heads to work) that he did not finish the night before because he fell asleep and I forced him to go to bed.

The day progresses…I clean up the house, the kids get dressed, they do their chores, Mark leaves for work. Ben is fed, naps and gets up again. I feel rushed and push aside feelings of being overwhelmed. Soon we have to leave for Cub Scouts. I feel the weight of the day and too much to do in too little time. I lay aside feelings of frustration and pray for peace. (Yesterday I read a wonderful article on Peace in the latest Above Rubies magazine. I’m so thankful for the Above Rubies magazine it blesses my heart.)

We read about Moses and hear (through His Word) God say His name, “I AM”. The children narrate the story back. Aaron holds a staff and throws it to the ground to demonstrate how Moses’ staff turned into a snake. This story leads to some interesting discussion. Then we read about Isaac Newton and after that fill out an information sheet about the planet Venus. The phone rings and I have to look up some information on the computer for Mark. We eat a quick lunch and everyone gets ready to leave. I dress the little ones. The older ones I urge on verbally. I help Aaron with his Scout uniform and get myself ready. I argue with myself over what to wear – jeans or a skirt. I choose a skirt. Everyone is ready. Ben is tired and ready for another nap. He woke early from his last nap. We head out. We will be a few minutes late.

Three hours later we arrive home. There is still a lot to do – dinner to make, laundry to fold, emails to send and read, a house to straighten, children to bathe and put to bed, the list goes on.

Tonight I'm setting the coffeepot on auto.


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